
Monday, September 30, 2019

Rich Man, Poor Man: Resources On Globalization Summary

According to Carol Hammond and Robert Grosse, Globalization has become the motto of the 21st century. We are becoming more aware people’s ideas, world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of cultures. Globalization has opened many opportunities for other countries to explore new and different things. Globalization has increased interconnectedness among many countries most notably in the areas of economics, politics, and culture. People throughout the world have embraced the sharing of ideas and ideas? We have seen globalization to be a positive and negative influence. We may consider it to be negative because activist oppose it at the World Trade Organization and International meetings. Companies are as open to their counterparts in other countries. This results in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of depreciation in terms of quality. On the positive side, globalization brings in popular products from over the world. Resources of different countries are used for producing goods and services they are able to do most efficiently. Another negative aspect of globalization is language. As â€Å"globalization† increases, so does the loss of human languages. People find it easier to conduct business and communicate with those outside their own culture if they speak more widely used languages like Chinese, Hindi, Spanish or Russian. Children are not being educated in languages spoken by a limited number of people. As fewer people use local languages, they gradually die out. With the increase of English becoming the mainstream language in other countries, people start to lose their national identity. People begin to drift away from their national identity because of adaptation of new ideas. Globalization has also affected other countries’ national sovereignty. Firms decide where to distribute their products and what knowledge and supplies to send across national borders without the consent of the government they are sending it to. In addition, the Internet, which is an important part of Globalization, spreads information like wildfire resulting in people having new viewpoints and leading to subgroups within a country. Such websites like amazon. com has helped threaten countries national sovereignty by selling goods and other products online. Also foreign products are being more common throughout the world in stores like Sears, JC Penney, and Wal-Mart. Instead of globalization bringing people to together through various aspects of the world we have began to form different group identities. The more we define ourselves towards our roles the world becomes more individualized. Like Canada, Quebec, and Indonesia these countries are resulting to person-states and independent states. This will continue to happen as long as the need for services and and products are needed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Payment Methods in Ecommerce

With the rapid advancement in technology and the expansion of business, more and more companies are venturing into E-commerce in a race to grow not just regionally but also internationally. E-commerce adaption necessitates the change of the business model companies have been following traditionally and with it comes the change in the modes to make the payments.With the popularity of the internet for common use in business since 1990, E-commerce has been growing and touching the new horizons in every category of business , there are organizations today that depends heavily upon the E-commerce and there are examples amongst the fortune 500 giants which have seen tremendous growth in the era of E-commerce conducting the business online .(â€Å"Microsoft†,n. d) When the companies conduct business online the modes of financial payments become different from that of the traditional business payment ways like cash , checks, debit cards etc.Since while buying online, there is generall y no physical presence involved and customers could order the products sitting anywhere using their computers. B2B ( Business to Business)E-commerce today accounts for more than the 95 percent of total E-commerce and the B2B E-commerce means both the buying companies and the selling companies are the organizations and which consequently refer to larger amount of payment flow which is linked with buying or selling the products online , so electronic payment systems that are in place have to be very advanced when it comes to preciseness, security, privacy and the speed of processing the amount. â€Å"Turban et al† , 2004) There are always risk associated with the information that could be revealed over the internet while making a transaction and could lead to something unexpected like misuse of the instruments like credit cards and E-checks used to make the payment online. In an effort to make electronic payments more robust and error free, there are various protocols that are being utilized to encrypt the information being sent over the internet and these protocols differ in the encryption techniques. (â€Å"Electronic Commerce,† n. ) E-commerce is based on an ever advancing technology that gives birth to high end safety measures that could be applied while making the financial payments over the internet however internet Frauds, thefts still take place and need to be addressed since E-commerce is growing and would keep on growing at a fast pace as companies look to expand and make technology their platform for success in the retail market particularly. Introduction E -commerce is not limited only to buying and selling it also is an effective way of facilitating the inter and intra organizational flow of information and providing the customer service.There could be more than one way to define the E-commerce depending upon the prospective of the business and application of the technology, from a business prospective E-commerce is application of tech nology to make business more automated when it comes to day to day transactions and work flow, similarly if applied to the service industry E-commerce would mean a tool to address the service costs at the same time increasing the quality and speed of the service.The essay touches the various modes of electronic payment systems that are being used today as part of E-commerce today however it particularly concentrates upon online credit card payment systems, the terms related to the credit cards, their transactional process over the network, protocols that make credit card transaction secure over the internet . Some evolving electronic payment methods are simply electronic version of existing payment systems such as paper checks and credit cards and some other are based on the digital currency technology.Essay also focus upon the various protocols which exist to encrypt the information that is being sent over the internet to make the transaction exact and secure, the encryption techno logy that is being used along with the algorithms implanted in the cryptography techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of the various mode of payments that could make a difference when customers are concerned about the privacy and the security while making a transaction online keeping in view the amount of transactions that would take place in day to day business have been discussed since with increase in number of transactions number of thefts, frauds will also increase.Concept and Size of Electronic Payment Since payment systems use the electronic and computer networks, the nature of these payments is more complex than payment systems used in the conventional commerce so companies dealing in E-commerce should constitute frequent practice in banking. Most common form of the payments in E-commerce are payments made in Business to Business since they make more than 95 percent of total E-commerce payments today and these are executed through a proper network of electronic commun ication that would include digital telephony , IP telephony and use of internet to complete the transaction. (Turban et al, 2004 ) The amount of payment made in the electronic payment system varies from one type to another of the E-commerce; the payments that are made in the Business to Business E-commerce are quite higher than what are made in Business to Consumer or Consumer to Business types of the E-commerce.There are transactions that may range from $1 to $ 10 which generally take place in Business to Consumer form only and by their nature are known as the micro payments. Payments up to $ 500 are still mostly done under Business to Consumer form of E- commerce however are not considered micro payments, example of this could be buying a customized laptop from the Dell website which could cost around $500. (Danial, 2002) Payments higher than $1000 would generally fall under Business to Business E-commerce since individual customers who have to make a purchase bigger than this amo unt would preferably like to buy the products physically. â€Å"B2B transactions account about 95% of e-commerce transactions, while others account about 5%†. Turban et al, 2004 ) Modes of Payment in Electronic Payment system in E- commerce. There have been dozens of modes of payment in electronic payment system some of them are widely accepted and common however some of them are not. Some of them are just the electronic versions of the conventional methods that are there in regular form of commerce. Following are some common forms that are used in daily forms of E-commerce. 1. Electronic Fund Transfer. 2. Credit Cards. 3 E –cash. 4. Smart cards. 5. E –checks. 6. Electronic Debit Cards. Online Credit Card Payment System. â€Å"It seeks to extend the functionality of existing credit cards for use as online shopping payment tools.This payment system has been widely accepted by consumers and merchants throughout the world, and by far the most popular methods of pa yments especially in the retail markets†. (Laudon and Traver, 2002) A credit card is generally issued by the banks or other financial institution. It comes with a fixed amount of spending limit depending upon the type of the credit card and payment is to be made to the issuing institution within a stipulated time period it could be 30-40 days after which customer has to pay interest on the amount due. Following are the few terms that are related to the use of credit cards. 1. Card holder: – a card holder is the authorized person who is entitled to do purchases online using the card. 2.Card issuer: – Card issuer could be financial institution or a bank that has issued the credit card to card holder after a certain amount of verification about the card holder. 3. The merchant:- Merchant is the one who accepts payment via credit card used online in exchange of goods or services offered by him. 4. The acquirer: – a financial institution that establishes an acc ount for merchants and acquires the vouchers of authorized sales slips. 5. Card brand/card type :- there are types of credit cards that are accepted worldwide and different institution take care of different types of credit cards such as Visa and Master Card. (Turban ,Lee, King, chung , n. d)Process of using Credit Card While making a purchase online using a credit card, the transaction goes through a series of steps and following are few terms that need to be understood before understanding the transactional process, all these terms are kind of processes that could take place while processing a transaction. * Sale: A sale is when the card holder purchases a product or service from a merchant and the money is transferred to the merchant's account. *   Preauth: A preauth is not a sale transaction however it is a transaction to make sure that the credit card is valid and it typically charge around $1. 00(Techrepublic ,n. d)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   * Postauth: â€Å"A p ostauth involves purchasing something before it is shipped. The customer can preorder something, and the amount is deducted from the customer's credit limit. No money is transferred, but the card hold is maintained on the customer's card.When the merchant fulfills (typically, ships the product), the merchant can perform a postauth to transfer the money and remove the card hold from the customer's card†. (Techrepublic, n. d) * Credit: This transaction is used while returning the good according to the procedure under the agreement and merchant puts the money back into the account. * Chargeback: A chargeback transaction is used in case of dispute settlement. In case of a dispute customer files a case and the financial institution involved temproraly withdraws money from the merchant`s account and transfers it to customer`s account. Each party have a certain number of days to prove the right billing and depending upon that amount goes in the account of right party. (â€Å"Techrep ublic† ,n. ) Steps involved in the online transaction While making a transaction customer fills in the credit card information on the HTML page and the information is sent over the server. 1. Server receives the information and sends it to the code that validates the information added by the user and if found valid this information is formatted into data that gateway could understand and is sent to gateway. (â€Å"Techrepublic† ,n. d) 2. â€Å"The gateway receives the formatted data from the HostRAD code, validates the card, and checks to see whether the amount for the transaction is available in the user's account†. (â€Å" Techrepublic† n. ) Upon validation if the card is found invalid or if there is not enough amount on the card a disapproval goes to the code and gateway charges the merchant money at this point of transaction even if it goes bad and if everything is found right the transaction is approved and an approval message is sent to the code. 3. Depending upon the type of the type of the card(Visa, Master card) gateway is batched upto the appropriate clearing house transactions arrive at the gateway, they're batched through to the appropriate clearinghouse. The clearinghouse that is used is determined by the credit card type and the bank that issued the card. As the clearinghouses receive transactions from all the gateways, the clearinghouses batch the transactions for all the banks involved, transferring monies from bank to bank.For providing this service, the clearinghouse takes between two percent and five percent of the total sale. (â€Å"Techrepublic†, n. d) 4. As the clearinghouses batch the transactions they receive, they transfer money from the customer's bank to the merchant's bank. 5. The merchant's bank receives the transactions from a clearinghouse and then transfers the appropriate amount of money for the customer transaction (started in box 1) into the Merchant's Card Not Present merchant account (†Å"Techrepublic†,n. d) Credit Card Transaction Security â€Å"More than 100 million personally-identifiable customer records have been breached in the US over the past two years. Many of these breaches involved credit card information. Continued credit card use requires confidence by consumers that their transaction and credit card information are secure†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009)The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council is the authoritarian agency that issues the standards and policies that help reduce the internet crimes in use of credit cards and all vendors that accept credit cards in their transactions have to abide by these laws . PCI council includes all the major Card brands like American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard , and Visa International. â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) â€Å"The Council created an industry-wide, global framework that d etails how companies handle credit card data – specifically, banks, merchants and payment processors. The result is the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) – a set of best practice requirements for protecting credit card data throughout the information lifecycle†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) â€Å"The PCI compliance security standards outline technical and operational requirements created to help organizations prevent credit card fraud, hacking, and various other security vulnerabilities and threats. The PCI DSS requirements are applicable if a credit card number is stored, processed, or transmitted.The major credit card companies require compliance with PCI DSS rules via contracts with merchants and their vendors that accept and process credit cards. Banks, merchants, and payment processors must approach PCI DSS compliance as an ongoing effort. Compliance must be validated annually, and companies must be prepared to address new a spects of the standard as it evolves based on emerging technologies and threats†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) Following are some terms related to online Credit card frauds â€Å"Phishing – This technique refers to randomly distributed emails that attempt to trick recipients into disclosing account passwords, banking information or credit card information. This one scam has played a major factor in the crisis we face today.Since phishing emails typically appear to be legitimate, this type of crime has become very effective. Well designed, readily available software utilities make it nearly impossible to trace those guilty of phishing. Phishtank, an anti-phishing organization, recently revealed that nearly 75,000 attempts of this nature are made each month† Pharming – This new technique is one of the most dangerous of them all. Pharming involves a malicious perpetrator tampering with the domain name resolution process on th e internet. By corrupting a DNS, (Domain Name System), a user can type in the URL for a legitimate financial institution and then be redirected to a compromised site without knowledge of the changes.Unaware of the background predators, the consumer types in their bank account details or credit card number, making them the latest victim of fraud. Skimming – refers to a process in which a special device is used to copy encoding data from the magnetic strip of a credit or debit card. This device is usually secretly mounted to an ATM machine as a card reader. Dumpster Diving – this act refers to a process in which an individual vigorously shift's through someone else's trash in search of personal and financial information. With a mere credit card approval that contains a name and address, a criminal can easily open up a credit card in your name and accumulate substantial debt in no time.Security measures in online credit card payment systems. Four necessary and important m easures that must to be followed for safe electronic system are as following. 1. Authentication Authentication is a method to verify buyer`s identity before payment is authorized. 2. Encryption Encryption is a process to making data that has to be sent over the internet indecipherable so that it could not be read by unauthorized persons and read only by the persons in authority to do so. 3. Integrity It has to be made sure that information that is sent over the internet is not modified, altered in an intentional or unintentional way. 4. Nonrepudiation This is the quality of a secure system that prevents anyone from denying that they have sent certain data. Here the communication system should be fault tolerant. Server where the transaction has been sent should keep a record log of every transaction and the user can't deny that he or she has not accessed the server. Security Schemes Key security schemes that make sure that information sent over the network while engaging in a transac tion is secure include encryption, digital signature, certificates and certifying authorities. Encryption:-Encryption is a technology that deciphers any kind of information before being sent over the network so that it could not be retrieved and misused by an unauthorized person.Two common encryption technologies that are used to encrypt and decrypt the data are Secret key and public key encryption as explained below. Secret Key encryption In this cryptography technique one key that is known as secret key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data at sender`s as well as receiver end . Secret key encryption is easy to implement when number of users are less. The algorithm that is used for secret key cryptography is Data Encryption standard (DES) (Schneier ,n. d). The only problem with this encryption method is that the key has to be sent over to the counterpart. (â€Å"Dret†, n. d) Public key cryptography/Assymetric encryption.In this kind of encryption there are two keys th at form the part of encryption technology they are the public key and the privaret key . the public key is known to allthe users however the private key is only known to one user the owner. there are two methods the kep pair could be used eithet the data could be encrypted by the receiver`s public key and it will be decrypted by his private key but there is a problem with this method since the encrypting key is public key no body will know who sent the message the other way is encrypting the data with receiver`s private key and decrypting it by public key however this method also has an issue every public key holder will be able to decrypt the message so it has to be combination of keys.The data is encrypted using the receiver`s public key and reencrypted using the receiver`s private key the reciver has to use combination of keys to decrypt the data fully which means that the first the reciver`s private key and then the sender`s public key. The algorithm that is used in this techniq ue is RSA. (â€Å"turban, 2004) (â€Å"Dret†, n. d) Electronic Protocols. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol is an e-commerce protocol designed by Visa and MasterCard. Customers can purchase online and their personal information would be protected and also their buying habits would be recorded along with the information they provided. â€Å"SET developed by Visa and MasterCard is an open standard for encryption and security specification for credit card transactions on the Internet.The SET is a set of security protocols and formats that main section are application protocol and payment protocol†. (â€Å"Itig† , n. d) SET has many merits: SET has provided merchant protective method, cost-cutting and enough security for the electronic payment. It helps making the online E-commerce free from online fraud to quite an extent. SET keeps more secrets for the consumer to improve the satisfaction of their on-line shopping experience. SET helps the bank and the credit card company to expand the service to more broad space –Internet. And it lowers the probability of credit card on-line fraud. Therefore SET seems more competitive than other online payment method.SET has defined interface for all quarters of online transaction so that a system can be built on the products made by the different manufacturers. SET protocol based E-commerce model Although SET has been widely used in the electronic payment area and has gained more attention from the electronic commerce promoter, the SET transaction mode model only. Even for B2C model, its application is also limited. (â€Å"Itig†, n. d) DES algorithm and the RSA algorithm are used in SET protocol to carry on the encryption and the decryption process. SET protocol use DES as symmetrical encryption algorithm. However, DES was no longer a safe algorithm right now. Therefore, DES should be replaced by more intensive and safer algorithm.Moreover, along with the development of processing speed and storage efficiency enhancement of the computer, the algorithm will be cracked successively. It is necessary to improve the extendibility of encryption service. SET protocol is huge and complex in the application process. In a typical SET transaction process, the digital certificates need to be confirmed 9 times, transmitted 7 times; the digital signature need be confirmed 6 times, and 5 times signature, 4 symmetrical encryptions and 4 asymmetrical encryptions are carried out. (â€Å"cs. ucf†,n. d) SET protocol involves many entities such as customers, merchants and banks. All of them need to modify their systems to embed interoperability.As the SET requests installment software in the network of bank, on the business server and PC of the customer and it also need to provide certificates to all quarters, so running cost of the SET is rather high. The protocol cannot prove transactions which are done by the user who signs the certificate. The protocol is unable to pr otect cardholder and business since the signature received finally in the protocol is not to confirm the content of the transaction but an authentication code. If cardholders and trade companies have the dispute, they cannot provide alone the evidence to prove its transaction between themselves and the banks. Although there are some drawbacks in the SET protocol, it is still the most standard and the safest in the present electronic commerce security protocol and the international standard of the security electron payment.In order to overcome the defect that SET protocol only supports credit payment style, PIN(Personal Identify Number) digital items are modified in this paper; with regard to the other deficiencies such as complexity, slow speed, poor safety and adaptation of SET protocol, this paper also makes a model of architecture security control mechanism, introduces electron transaction authentication center and strengthens the security of transaction process of SET protocol. (â€Å"cs. ucf†,n. d) Transmission control Protocol (TCP) which is the main protocol used to send data over internet was not designed back then keeping in view the security issues that could arise in today`s World where E commerce plays an important role. The data transmitted through TCP could be read, intercepted and altered.Security breach still happens while an email is being sent or files are being transferred over the internet. Customer is always concerned over security when processing a transaction and sending information over the internet. Credit card information like name, number and date of expiration. Presently most of the companies use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol to provide security and privacy this protocol encrypts the order at PC before sending it over the network however this protocol may not provide all the security needed. There is another more secure protocol Secure Electronic transaction (SET) however SET is is a slow protocol and may take long time to respond and also it requires that the digital wallet is installed on the customer pc.Electronic Fund Transfer â€Å"Electronic funds transfer† means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, that is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, or computer or magnetic tape, so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Electronic funds transfers shall be accomplished by an automated clearinghouse debit, an automated clearinghouse credit, or by Federal Reserve Wire Transfer†. † (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Electronic Checks. E check is the electronic version of the traditional paper based checks , Paper check has been one of the most important way of payments that has been in use for a long time keeping in view the same concept E check has been designed to serve the same purpose. E-check contains the same information like acco unt number, issuing bank, address of the issuing bank and the amount of check.To validate the authenticity of the person, instead of signatures it has a digital code which is generated while filling in a check and is cross verified with the database while encashing it. Electronic Check offers many advantages over the traditional paper check since all the information is filled in electronically over the computer and it is not revealed as it passes through very few people who are in authority. E checks are cheaper by many folds because of ease of processing, also E-checks are lot faster in procession since the data is sent electronically and the chances of getting a check bounced are almost negligible. Electronic Wallets Electronic wallets or the e wallets also referred to digital wallets.An e wallet is a software program that contains user`s payment information in encrypted form to ensure its security, for example an individual`s e wallet could contain credit card number , bank accou nt number ,contact information and shipping location . This information can then be automatically and securely transferred to an online order form. †. (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Virtual Credit Cards â€Å"Closely allied to e wallets is concept of virtual credit card. A virtual credit card is an image of a credit card placed on the computer desktop. With one click of the credit card image the card holder access the account information and pays for the online purchases.Customer can even drag and drop the virtual card from desktop onto an online checkout page . The credit card number and contact information is automatically entered into the checkout form and the customer just needs a pin to enter or other form of identification to authorize the transaction†. (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Concluding Remarks Although there are many online payment systems available to choose from while making a purchase under E-commerce however the credit card is still the do minant and the most popular way not only because of the convenience it has but also because of its worldwide acceptability.Despite of the several security measures in place, credit card frauds do take place and protection of the information provided over the internet while making a purchase is of utmost importance. Encryption using the DES and RSA algorithms make the data indecipherable while being transmitted over the network and these encryption technologies are hard to break into however there are other ways credit card information could be disclosed. Phishing and Pharming as mentioned above in the essay are recent threats that are becoming common and are needed to be addressed as soon as possible since the users who are not really aware of these threats could unintentionally disclose information they are not supposed to.Credit card has wider acceptability because of its long established network thanks to the credit card brands like the Master card, Visa international and America n express and because of its friendly characteristics like ease of carriage, fast processing, 24 hour purchasing facility and the convenience of making purchase sitting anywhere. With the advancement of technology new protective measures like thumb imprint, retina scan are gaining popularity however it will take time for them to become common and implemented everywhere while making an online transaction since there are the cost and awareness issues related to these high end technology gadgets.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Acadamic Misconduct Essay

Academic misconduct is described as academic integrity violation for the unfair advantage of oneself or unfair academic advantage or disadvantage to others in academic community, academic misconduct can be a plagiarism, cheating, and collusion but not limited. The other academic misconduct activities such as not obeying academic staff directions regarding assessments and group work submissions, falsifying reports, having/spreading examination materials without unit teacher permission, arranging someone to do assessment work all these included as academic misconduct. If an allegation arises towards a student and if it’s proven in an investigation then student has to face penalties under student academic misconduct policy. In this essay we going to discuss in brief about plagiarism, cheating, collusion and academic misconduct procedural process depending on minor or substantial misconduct when allegations arise and appeal for the student. As per UWS policy Plagiarism is defined as an â€Å"act of presenting material as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the student when doing so†, for example when student submits work in which words or ideas are presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original author such as website, other students work, lecture, journal article or book. Cheating is described as any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other students during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Bluetooth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisor. Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so. According to UWS Academic misconduct policy there are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is determine by the university as a minimal threat to integrity of the student assessment in writing such as lack of referencing or academic requirements. A substantial misconduct is determine by the university as a major threat to integrity such as, when a student repeats minor misconduct activities intentionally, any allegations in the examination and any allegations related to collusion. In the process of investigating the allegations unit teacher, unit coordinator, Dean, school academic committee and student academic committee will be involved. in the first stage of Investigation process and hearing of academic misconduct, If unit teacher or examination supervisor believe that there is any academic misconduct happened, and they have evidence or reasons to support, teacher of the unit will report to unit coordinator with relevant documentation by signed copy or email, then with in five working days unit coordinator will send copy of allegation to the Dean. The dean, will advise unit coordinator to do investigation, and then unit coordinator and unit teacher decides to do further investigation, unit teacher will notify the student and invite for meeting in writing by post and email. Student can attend meeting with fellow student or university academic staff member or a student welfare officer. Meeting will be organised between 8 – 15 working days after on invitation letter despatch date. Student must respond to the invitation with in seven working days date of despatch whether he / she will attend the meeting or not. The decision will be made on the allegation even in the student absence. If unit coordinator decides that the allegation is not substantial he / she will dismiss it. Other penalties like refer to academic counselling, student require to re-submit assessment task after re-submission unit coordinator makes a decision on the marks and grades student may get zero marks. If the unit coordinator determine its substantial he/ she will be referred to relevant dean for decision. After going through all the process as discussed earlier in which case the unit coordinator will send the invitation letter to student for meeting with dean. After meeting if dean decides it’s not substantial dean will dismiss the allegation. When dean decides the allegations substantial then dean can penalise student such as recommend to counselling, ask for re-submission of work, if required student has to sit for exam again, dean will decide marks and grades. If dean judges that the allegation very substantial or too serious then dean refers that allegation to SAC (student academic committee). After going all the process as discussed above, student will have meeting with SAC members. After meeting if SAC decides if allegation are true it will take any action of dean penalties or combination of them, or suspend the student from university minimum period of 6months not more than 12 months, or dismiss the student for minimum of 12 months not more than 24 months in this case student has to apply for readmission or SAC can suspend the student permanently from the university. A student can appeal against the unit coordinators decision when student considers that the decision was made against the procedural fairness or when student not agreeing with allegations or when student considers that there is a substantial new evidence which was not available previously to unit coordinator or when student considers the penalty imposed by unit coordinator was too severe. Student must appeal within 15 days with evidence in writing to dean from the date of the letter advising of unit coordinators decision. It is the responsibility of every student to respect and obey the policy of UWS for academic misconduct to maintain academic integrity among academic community, when allegations were proven the student has to face severe penalties imposed by university academic committee besides the appeal options for student, The best option for students is to work hard on their own and get help when needed from academic teachers before submitting any academic work.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Essay Example While not similar to what most would consider to be average stress, PTSD is a condition that is special in cause and also equally as special when it comes to the diagnosis, along with the treatment of it. In defining the condition, "Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), once called shell shock or battle fatigue syndrome, is a serious condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying event in which serious physical harm occurred or was threatened. PTSD is a lasting consequence of traumatic ordeals that cause intense fear, helplessness, or horror, such as a sexual or physical assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, an accident, war, or natural disaster. Families of victims can also develop posttraumatic stress disorder, as can emergency personnel and rescue workers," ("Mental Health", p.1). While feeling a sense of fear, or a general mental state that leaves the individual feeling as if they have no recourse that would be afforded to them, is something that many of those inflicted by stress are faced with, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is unique in to itself. Just as the sufferers of the condition are unique, so can the symptoms be of those inflicted with PTSD. ... Some may experience flashbacks, hallucinations, or other vivid feelings of the event happening again. Others experience great psychological or physiological distress when certain things (objects, situations, etc.) remind them of the event. Avoidance- Many with PTSD will persistently avoid things that remind them of the traumatic event. This can result in avoiding everything from thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the incident to activities, places, or people that cause them to recall the event. In others there may be a general lack of responsiveness signaled by an inability to recall aspects of the trauma, a decreased interest in formerly important activities, a feeling of detachment from others, a limited range of emotion, and/or feelings of hopelessness about the future. Increased arousal- Symptoms in this area may include difficulty falling or staying asleep, irritability or outbursts of anger, difficulty concentrating, becoming very alert or watchful, and/or jumpiness or being easily startled. ("Post-Traumatic", p.1). Further causing harm to those suffering from PTSD, the patients endure a re-occurrence of the event(s) which had taken place, over in over in their minds, thus elevating the level of mental angst they are faced with. A trigger of negative feelings can come from something as minuscule as an item(s) that reminds them of what happened, further prolonging their recovery from whatever it was that upset them to severely. To avoid something that brings about negative feelings is something that most human beings could identify with throughout the course of their respective lifetimes. To mentally, as well as physically, separate from any people, or things,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of in corporating a Essay

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of in corporating a business., and Concept of Limited Liability - Essay Example The reason that corporations are able to offer limited liability is because a corporation is considered a separate legal entity (Weygand & Kieso & Kimmel, 2002). Choosing the corporation over other types of business structures has other advantages. The corporation is the best business structure for entrepreneurs that are looking to raise capital. The way that the corporation allows its owners to raise large sums of capital in shorts amounts of time is through the sale of common stocks. In order for a corporation to sell common stocks it must become a public corporation registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Once a corporation becomes public its common stocks become a very liquid asset that is traded in open markets such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or in the over the counter market known as NASDAQ. Choosing the corporate form can also help managers obtain better benefits from governmental institutions in the form of incentives. One of the main disadvanta ges of the corporate form is double taxation. References Allbusiness.com (2011). Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a Corporation. Retrieved June 28, 2011 from http://www.allbusiness.com/business-planning/business-structures-corporations/686-1.html Weygandt, J., Kieso, D., Kimmel (2002). Accounting Principles (6th ed.).

Business Plan - Major Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Plan - Major Assignment - Essay Example The reason for picking this line of business was due to the nature of the service sector in returning profits on investment. However, the investment has to undergo intense planning in order to ensure that the factors that guided the operations and running of the restaurant will ensure returns on investment. The main reason of picking the Montclair region is due to the availability of a facility that the owner of the business inherited from their father. In effect, this facility shoulders some of the burden that comes with leasing property to conduct business. The company venture into this area due to the lack of another restaurant to offer two differentiated products at the same time. In this case, the restaurants, fast foods, and other franchises operating in this area operated along one segment without considering combining two segments in order to offer differentiated products. Company Profile This new company will be unique from any other restaurant in the area chosen to establis h the restaurant. In addition, the restaurant is going to be a sole proprietorship, which means that the owner will own the facility and be responsible of any profits and losses or profits that the business might incur. The idea to start the idea was born when the facility to establish the restaurant was offered to the owner by his father who operated a restaurant in the same location. Tentatively named, Eagle Group Restaurant, the restaurant will serve a dual service role in that it aims at providing families dining services as well as provide these families with an experience of intimacy. To achieve this, the restaurant will offer customers a diverse menu that will come along with portions that were generous at reasonable prices while adopting a Texan Midwestern theme. In order to recreate this theme, the restaurant will provide the dining area with a smaller unique menu that will continuously be changing depending on the season in time. The decor of the restaurant will include be ige colors, tubing made of black metal, and a fountain garden styling with the walls constructed of bricks. In order to ensure that the decor remained unique in nature, the restaurant will feature an entertainment platform that focused on live cooking for a section of the clientele. Mission Statement The mission of the company will be to aim at exceeding the expectations of a customer by providing the appropriate ambience for the perception of all their senses. In order to achieve this mission, the restaurant will ensure that the atmosphere was pleasing to their senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing, and tasting by being provided with an exciting environment that was creative in nature. In addition, the restaurant will train their employees and equip them with the exceptional skills for customer service that will ensure that they made decisions based on business philosophies. Market Research Montclair, New Jersey has recently witnessed an influx of restaurants with many of these re staurants being franchise operations such as the Acappello (Acappello). However, the industry appears to be stable, which indicates that there is room for growth in the future with the economy of the area set to be maintained

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Research Paper about Divorce Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

About Divorce - Research Paper Example There are various factors that can be attributed to the growing number of divorces including social, financial, religious and psychological elements. According to a survey report, 43 to 46 percent of all marriages that have taken place in the US in the year 2000 will eventually end in divorce (Smith et al., 1453). This paper explores the reasons behind divorce and its impact on children. Getting a divorce is not a simple task and cannot be obtained on the day the concerned couple decides to separate. It is a prolonged process that needs to go through various legal formalities. The initial phase of decision making can take several months or years, and even after final decision is taken the end process may not be a fast one. In many cases, couples attempt to reconcile failing which they again separate. Throughout the entire process, the partners make important decisions regarding rebuilding separate lives. Often a couple takes the decision to separate after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of staying together. A marriage becomes difficult to sustain when personalities clash and no one is eager to compromise. The aggrieved partner often finds multiple issues to deal with before making the final decision to divorce like â€Å"religious constrictions, obligations to children, the financial costs and consequences of divorce, and social pressure to stay marriedâ €  (Clarke-Stewart & Brenatno, 52). Divorce is always perceived as a curse on modern society. One major cause has been identified as early marriage. In general, people who marry early have high probability of divorce than those who marry after completing their education and stabilizing their career. Records have shown that the probability of divorce is twice for women who get married in their teens than women who get married after the age of 22. Most of the times, young people are emotionally and socially inexperienced for entering into a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

George Berkeley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

George Berkeley - Essay Example This paper briefly analyses why he oppose the concept of matter and support the role of God in human life. Berkeley argued that whatever the material bodies at our sight are not material objects but light and colors only. He has pointed out that human senses has limitations in identifying the exact nature of objects because of the inferior powers of our senses. He has questioned the Newtonian concepts like space, time, motion etc. Newton was successful in defining material objects with respect to space, time, motion etc. Newton argued that every object in this universe is made up with a three dimensional space (Length, breadth and thickness).Moreover he has also argued that every object in this universe is either in a state of motion or in a state of rest with respect to another object. Berkeley questioned these Newtonian arguments and pointed out that our senses do not have the ability to recognize the actual shape and size of material objects in this world. Berkeley’s argume nts were summarized as a theory called "esse is percipi" which means all the things surrounding us are nothing but our ideas or shadows. These ideas were formed with the help of imperfect sensory inputs. Berkeley believed that human senses are not matured or perfect enough to recognize the actual shape and size of matters in this world. ... In other words, animals and human have different sensory abilities. The above example clearly shows that in this universe, different living things have different sensing abilities. Moreover it is quite possible that living things with superior sensing abilities than humans exist in this universe. Berkeley also argued that sensory inputs have no other existence which is different from our perceptions. For example, two blind people who try to recognize the shape of an elephant may perceive the shape of elephant differently if they touch different parts of elephant body. The one who touches the ear of the elephant may perceive the shape of elephant as flat whereas the one who touches the legs of an elephant may perceive the shape of elephant as cylindrical. In other words, we are quite similar to these blind people. Our senses are incapable of assessing the proper shape of an object. It is quite possible that the shape of an object may have other dimensions which we are incapable to per ceive using our senses. Berkeley believed only in spirits and ideas. He argued that the mental substance is a combination of mind, spirit and soul. Moreover, ideas rest in this mental substance. He also argued that spirit is the only active being whereas ideas are passive beings. In other words, ideas can be perceived differently by different people whereas spirit cannot be altered. Thus, Berkeley succeeded in classifying human knowledge into two broad categories; knowledge with respect to ideas and knowledge with respect to spirit. Spiritual knowledge cannot be perceived whereas knowledge based on ideas can be perceived by human senses. Thus, Berkeley argued that spiritual knowledge is beyond our control or beyond our grasping abilities. In short,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rhetorical analysis over an inconvenient truth Research Paper

Rhetorical analysis over an inconvenient truth - Research Paper Example This increasing trend is the reason the earth is warming and its climate changing. Greenhouse gasses are predominantly man-made. (Lean, Pearce, 2006). People are the cause but their collective acknowledgement of the global warming problem has been slow. Because of this apathy, if the population of the planet were to immediately discontinue polluting the air with carbon dioxide emissions, climate changes would still continue long into the future. Humans are creating a planet that will experience major climactic changes in the near future, a shameful circumstance. The film by Al Gore An Inconvenient Truth is pointed directly at citizens and politicians of the U.S. who, for reasons unknown to Gore and the rest of the civilized world, are either unaware or deny global warming exists except in the mind of liberal environmentalists. To this end, Gore attacks the misconceptions perpetrated by large corporations such as oil and auto companies which believe they will be the losers if limits o f CO2 emissions are legislated in the U.S. For example oil and gas company Koch Industries has given $73 million to climate denial groups. (Vidal, 2010). Recent commercials touted the benefits of CO2, how it wasn’t harmful because it was natural.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A look at the death rates in the united states according to race Essay Example for Free

A look at the death rates in the united states according to race Essay Death Rates, Many of the death rates in the United States may be explained, for example, why are the death rates of African Americans so high on homicide? Well, it is said that because most black people live in Urban areas or in what people call â€Å"guetos† (not necessarily all but a good amount) that means they usually live on these dangerous places where death rates are pretty high making their victimology pretty high. Now if we combine this with the fact that most black men kill other black men whether it is (usually because of gangs) then we can assume that the death rates of black men because of homicides is pretty high because they usually live on places that are very dangerous and controlled by gangs and most are killed by people of their own race (and some may argue too by police but thats another topic) which would explain these statistics and same could be explained for other races. Another example could be that many Americans (despite the different racial groups) are likely to die from heart disease, and that is because of the fast foods. In other words, if Americans would eat healthier instead of constantly going to fast foods and started to take care of themselves also by doing exercise then it wouldn’t have to worry so much of dying from heart disease and those death rates among Americans will most likely decrease. The differences in the death rates are because of culture and the way people live their lives, so if a race, for example, let’s maybe there’s a high death rate of Hispanics because of kidney failure (this is an example it may not be true) then maybe the reason could be because they drink a lot of alcohol or something same with other types of diseases or may be ways of thinking. Maybe whites can’t control their stress or are less likely to seek help when they have psychological problems which would explain the high deat h rates. I believe all of these differences in death rates are because of how each racial group decides to live and that is why in certain categories those death rates are high for the different racial groups.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Romanticism in American Literature

Romanticism in American Literature Kathryn Pierce American Literature, section 43 Essay #3 Since the time of Socrates it has been widely said that art imitates life. In the case of literature, however, it would be more accurate to say that art reflects life. The writings of both the Romantics and the Realists were an outgrowth of life in 19th century America and both reflected that life through style, approach, and subject matter. American Romanticism was the first truly American literary movement and it included a group of authors who wrote and published between 1820 and 1860. Among the best-known are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Romanticism first emerged as a reaction to Enlightenment ideas. Romantic writers rebelled against the idea that reason was the best tool for discovering truth. Instead, they deliberately delved into feeling, imagination, fantasy, and belief. Their style took advantage of personal freedom and spontaneity in order to break through the wall separating the author and the reader, and gave the author the freedom to comment on the events in the story in novel ways. The uniquely American history and landscape had a profound influence on the Romanticists. Many were writing not long after the American Revolution and/or the War of 1812, and these historical events were reflected in their preoccupation with democracy and freedom. (insert comment on authors and their works) This was a time of growth and expansion and their idealism fueled high hopes for the infant nation. The country was moving westward into great swaths of newly acquired territory. The frontier, both as a place and a concept, became an important representation of the American spirit. The country was filled with thousands of miles of untamed wilderness that held the promise of a new life filled with adventure. (insert comment on authors and their works) While American Romanticism was a new attitude toward nature, often stressing it over culture, it was also a new attitude toward people, promoting the solitary individual standing against society. Individualism is a quintessential American value and was central to their writings which urged people to follow their inner knowing regardless of the pressure to conform. (insert comment on authors, Emerson Thoreau, others, and their works).  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Romanticists believed that emotions shape peoples experience and their knowledge of the world. They were an important part of an individuals identity. Heartbreak, happiness, awe, and rage, and many other emotions were very important in American Romantic literature. (insert comment on authors, Emerson Thoreau, others, and their works) Stylistically, the American Romantics liked to experiment with form and the novel became an important vehicle for expression (unlike the European Romantics who focused mainly on poetry). They also made clever use of symbols to allude to truths or knowledge that exist beyond rationality. Unusual, often supernatural, characters and forces act in romantic stories. Nature was a particularly important theme, expressed in almost obsessive preoccupation with beautiful flowers, gigantic trees, towering mountains, and brilliant sunsets.   (insert Cooper, Emerson, Thoreau) Other themes that figured prominently were   an impulse toward reform (temperance, womens rights, abolition of slavery); a concern with the impact of new technology (the locomotive, for example); an idealization of women (Poes Anabel Lee, for example); and a fascination with death and the supernatural (Hawthorne, Poe). Despite these lofty ideals, the new nation faced challenges. Principle among these issues was the expanding population base due to immigration, the role of government, the treatment of Native Americans, and the expansion or limitation of slavery. At the same time, advances in science and philosophy brought changes in thinking. There were two occurrences that propelled the transition from romanticism to realism: the Industrial Revolution and the American Civil War. Both of these contributed to a change in emphasis in literary expression. Change was already coming. The Realist movement began as early as the 1830s, but the line of demarcation was the onset of war. In just four years, this war became the most disruptive and transformative event in American history. It was out of this turmoil that the movement grew and reached a prominence that continued until around the end of the nineteenth century. In the 1850s, the ideals that were driving the nation toward war were expressed in literature, but many writers became uncomfortable with this kind of moral certitude even though they had contributed to creating it. The war, with its observable gap between higher purpose and brutal reality, began to change what they believed and how and what they wrote. Realism was a reaction to and a rejection of Romanticism. In her book, Social Construction of American Realism, Amy Kaplan called realism a strategy for imagining and managing the threats of social change. Realism was about recreating life in literature. Realists were concerned with the here and now, and their work was centered in their own time and dealt with everyday events and ordinary people, and with current socio-political issues. Stylistically, the author was separate from the world of the story and acted as an objective observer/narrator. Gone was the elaborate use of figurative language. Realism presented a basic view of life and a real outlook on the world   that refused to idealize or flatter the subject. Even when the subject matter was complex, their stories used straightforward, simple language that described common scenes and experiences. American Realists chose to show their readers rather than must tell them. They made their readers face reality as it happened in the real world instead of in the make-believe world of fantasy. (insert comment on authors and their works) . They often explored the qualities that formed a persons character and examined how those qualities motivated their behavior. To accomplish this they used omniscient narrators who could jump from the mind of one character to the mind of another, and could move instantly from one location to another. For the most part, they depicted people that were in charge of their own destiny. Characters were superior to their circumstances even though it was the circumstances that created the plot. (insert comment on authors and their works) .   Their characters were dynamic and well-rounded and drove the story forward. The Realists also incorporated empirically verifiable causality into their stories and often used foreshadowing. At times the outcomes wer e left open. The Realists also used their stories to critique the social and political structures that governed peoples lives. From issues like gender inequality and racial bias to poverty, class mobility, and government power, their stories contained a strong emphasis on personal morality, particularly as it played out between the individual and society. (insert comment on authors and their works)    Theirs was a sweeping view of a city, a nation, or a society and, like the Romantics, it was supported by the format of the novel. The transition from Romanticism to Realism was a natural progression. Just as the United States grew and changed so did the literature its writers produced. Romanticism grew out of the new-found expression of national character and focused on plot, hyperbole, metaphor and feeling. The nation changed, however. Realism grew out of these societal changes and focused on characters, details, objectivity and separation of author and narrator. Realism expressed a message that depicted situations realistically, whereas romanticism illustrated messages by using fiction. Both are informative reflections of American life and culture. Works Cited Campbell, Donna M. Realism in American Literature, 1860-1890. Literary Movements. Dept. of English, Washington State University. 07 Sept 2015. Web. 24 Mar 2017. http://public.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/realism.htm Shmoop Editorial Team. Realism Top 10 List. Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. http://www.shmoop.com/realism/top-ten.html Shmoop Editorial Team. American Romanticism Top 10 List. Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. http://www.shmoop.com/american-romanticism/top-ten.html

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tackling Health Inequalities A Challenge Health And Social Care Essay

Tackling Health Inequalities A Challenge Health And Social Care Essay Tackling health inequalities is a challenge faced by policy makers and health practitioners This assignment will critically discuss how Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) may be tackled, drawing on the current evidence based thinking and social policies on tackling health inequalities. Over the past 30 years, there have been a number of strategies proposed to tackle health inequalities. They have all largely focused on improving the health of the most disadvantaged groups, reducing the gap between the best and worst off and improving health across the whole gradient. (Graham, 2004) The above will also be discussed below. The World health Organisation (WHO) 1999 global strategy of achieving health for all is fundamentally directed towards achieving greater equity in health between and within populations. This implies that all people have an equal opportunity to develop and maintain their health, through fair and equal access to resources for health. Targets in England also aim to improve the health of the disadvantaged groups and that of the population as a whole and also closing the health gap (Secretary of State for Health, 1999). Similar targets have been set up in Wales, Scotland and Ireland with the aim of tackling health inequalities (Graham, 2004). A health gradient approach in tackling health inequalities directs attention to the systematic differences in life expectancy and living standard associated with peoples position in the socio economic hierarchy (Graham, 2004). Tackling health inequalities needs to focus on the causes of health inequality and health damaging behaviours associated with peoples unequal position in the socio- economic hierarchy (Graham, 2004). Improving the health of the poor groups and improving their position relative to other groups is an important strategy in reducing the socio-economic gradient. However, the Department of Health (DOH) (2002a) emphasises that to meet national targets and make progress on tackling health inequalities interventions must reach more than the most disadvantaged. Marmot (2010) also points out focusing solely on the most disadvantaged will not reduce health inequalities Graham (2004) adds that, to improve the social gradient, policies need to be associated with absolute imp rovements in health for all socio-economic groups with a rate of improvement which increases at each step down the socio-economic ladder. The White Paper: Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation, published in July 1999, aimed to improve the health of the population as a whole, improve the health of the worst off in society and narrow the health gap (DOH, 1999a). Narrowing the gap between the worse and better off, requires absolute improvement, raising the health of lower socio- economic groups faster than the higher socio economic groups (Graham, 2004). However, Graham (2004) points out that in a society where overall rates of health are improving absolute improvement in their health may be insufficient to narrow the gap between the worse and better off. Wagstaff ,Paci and Van Doorslaer,(1991) also add that focusing on the worst off can obscure what is happening to intermediate groups, experiencing poor health consequently compromising health across the socio-economic hierarchy. The White Paper set targets to be achieved by 2010, of which included reducing the death rate in people aged 75 years from CHD by at least two fir ths (DOH, 1999). A budget of  £96m was allocated to these programmes, however the White Paper aimed at the population as a whole and didnt set any specific national targets for reducing health inequalities (Shaw et al, 1999).Consequently there was no significant improvement in health inequalities. Public health policy has been redefined to give more emphasis to tackling systematic health differences of advantaged and disadvantaged groups (Graham, 2004). Improving the health of the worst off and reducing poverty is the governments main target in tackling health inequalities. However, targeted policies may have negative effects on the health of other groups, either in absolute or relative terms (Graham, 2004). The Black Report (1980) and the Acheson Report (1999) recommended prioritising the health of families with children, reducing income inequalities and improving standards of poor households (Acheson, 1998). Reducing child poverty and improving circumstances of children would have long term effects on reducing health inequalities (Acheson, 1999). The government set targets to reduce Child poverty by half, by 2010 and eradicate child poverty by 2020 (DOH, 1999). The elderly people are more likely to be diagnosed with CHD, and if in poverty this can worsen the condition. The S tate Retirement Pension needs to high enough to provide a financial security in old age, however the current government have increased the retirement age to 67 years, which may increase income inequalities in the elderly people. The older one gets the less hours they work earning less income. Furthermore, getting the unemployed into jobs across the gradient is another way of tackling poverty. Marmot (2010) argues that jobs need to offer a minimum level of quality; a decent wage and flexible hours to enable people balance work and family life. Good working conditions can reduce the risk of developing CHD. However, getting people into low paid, insecure and health damaging work will increase the exposure to poor health therefore increasing health inequalities. For individuals such as the permanently sick or house bound, employment may not be the solution out of poverty. Furthermore, it would be impossible to reduce unemployment if there are no jobs available (WHO, 2008). In April 1999, the government also introduced the National minimal wage, this policy was aiming at reducing in work poverty and decrease the number of individuals dependant on social security (DOH, 1999). Deprivation during utero and childhood has lifelong consequences in adulthood life. It is important that all pregnant women are able to afford an adequate diet and have a continuum of care from pre- pregnancy and through pregnancy (WHO, 2005b). Shaw et al (1999) suggested that maternity allowances should be increased, especially for women dependent on income support or low paid jobs. Also to increase benefits to support families with children. However with the current government and its initiatives to cut cost, this may not be achievable. Furthermore, physical, social and emotional health is important in child development and these have an influence on education, occupational opportunities and life chances (Marmot, 2010). Marmot (2010) suggests that giving every child the best start in life is crucial in tackling health inequalities across the gradient. He recommended increasing the proportion of overall expenditure to the early years and ensuring that the expenditure is focused progressively across the social gradient. This includes providing good quality in early years education and childcare proportionately across the gradient. However, educational and other individual-based approaches tend to be taken up disproportionately by the more affluent, which tend to widen health gap (Bambra et al, 2010) Quality housing free of cold and damp is a basic need for healthy living. Shaw et al (1999) point out that poverty can be reduced by raising the incomes and standard of living of poor families with children, disabled and elderly people. The Central and Local government should increase the value of welfare benefits and pensions and improve social infrastructures including social housing and public services (Shaw et al, 1999). Marmot (2010) also recommended creating and developing healthy and sustainable places, which will improve social capital thus removing barriers to community participation and action across the social gradient. Authorities should ensure urban planning such as increasing street lights and safe pedestrian walkways in order to improve physical activity. This promotes good physical and psychological well-being and safe behaviours, which are essential for health equality. Furthermore, access to big supermarkets through investment in active transport can improve access to healthier food choices among low income groups. However, improving access to supermarkets and advising people on healthy food will not be effective solutions if the price of fresh fruit and vegetables is high. Having a balanced healthy diet that has low and fat will reduce the risk of CHD (Lindsay and Gaw, 2004). Central government could restrict the food industry on the amount of fat and salt levels put in foods (Shaw et al 1999). Maintaining physical activity for at least 30mins at a time can reduce risks to CHD. Investing in public services for example leisure centres, play areas for children, physical activity can be promoted. However some of these public services come with a cost. Worrral et al, (1997) points out that there is unequal distribution of health resources as the more health resources go out to the richer households than to the poorer households. To improve access to health resources authorities need to conduct regular audits to enable the redirection of resources to the disadvantaged communities. The government published the New White Paper, Choosing health: Making healthier choices in 2004, which aims to support individuals and promote informed healthier choices especially those in disadvantaged groups (DOH, 2004). However, making choice is difficult to exercise if lacking the resources necessary, particularly the disadvantaged. Tackling smoking is a key intervention that can rapidly reduce the number of early deaths among CHD incidences. There have been a lot of campaigns and educational programmes encouraging individuals to make healthier choices. These have included preventing people from starting to smoke; smoking cessation especially disadvantaged adults and pregnant smoking women, and protecting non-smokers from tobacco smoke through introducing Smoke free zones (DOH, 2010). And a regulatory control of alcohol consumption such public houses and bars closing early and minimal age limit on alcohol consumption. However, enforcing smoke bans and alcohol regulations are viewed to be effective methods but asking poor people to change risky behaviour when they cannot afford a proper meal or warm clothing and yet use smoking as a means of escape from their plight might not be sufficient enough to reduce health inequalities. Individuals from worse social circumstances have considerably high level of cardiovascular risk than those ones from better off circumstances (Bambra et al, 2010).Marmot (2010) recommended the need for early detection and prioritising prevention of chronic diseases related to health inequalities across the social gradient. Harkin et al (2010) estimated that an equal uptake of effective primary prevention across all socio economically disadvantage groups can reduce inequalities. However equality in health care services may not be sufficient enough to end health inequalities. The DOH (2000) proposed a national screening programme for all people aged 40-74 to assess their risk of developing heart diseases. The use of statins is another key intervention that can rapidly reduce the number of early deaths among CHD incidences The use of cholesterol lowering drugs is based on an individuals level of risk for future cardio vascular events. If everyone in the UK aged 45- 74 with clinical evid ence of CHD were treated with statins for five years, about 22,000 deaths and major clinical events would be avoided(Davey smith and Ebrahim, 1999;1097). Recently attention has been given to the role of the National Health Service (NHS) in promoting public health and reducing inequalities in health. The NHS aims to develop a systematic approach to treating people at risk from chronic diseases and encouraging more people to adopt a healthy life style (Macintyre, 2000). Part of NHS funding is spent on prevention; however most of the major influences on population health such as poor housing, unemployment and poverty lie outside the NHS. More so, health promotion strategies focusing on individual behaviours such as smoking, diet and exercise are more commonly taken up by those in the affluent societies (Macintyre, 2000). Therefore these intervention need to engage fully the deprived populations otherwise this may widen the health inequalities. While the health of the population may be improving, policy makers have a considerable duty to inform and develop strategies which can contribute to greater equality in health. Allocation of resources in tackling Coronary heart disease should consider cultural and behavioural lifestyles, material circumstances and, psychosocial pathways within social class and across the gradient. Focusing on the most disadvantaged will not reduce health inequalities dramatically. More so, to reduce the stepwise social gradient in health targets should aim at bringing levels of the lowest socio economic groups closer to the national average standard.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Revenge of Iago in Shakespeares Othello :: Othello essays Shakespeare

The Revenge of Iago in William Shakespeare's Othello In Shakespeare's "Othello," Iago carefully and masterfully entraps Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with Cassio. He does this through a series of suggestions and hesitations that entice and implant images into Othello's head that lead him to his own demise. More importantly, Iago gives Othello the motive to murder his own innocent wife Desdemona, satisfying Iago's immense appetite for revenge. The motive for Iago's devious plan is initially made clear in the first of three major soliloquies, in which he proclaims Othello has had an affair with his wife, Emilia: "And it is thought abroad that t'wixt my sheets/ He's done my office" (I.iii.381-383). The irony behind this line is where he continues: "I know not if't be true/ But I, for mere suspicion in that kind; / Will do as if for surety"(I.iii.383-385). Iago is so exceedingly paranoid and insane that he will go far as murdering, and deluding even a general into murdering his wife. Iago simultaneously conducts a devious plan to obtain Cassio's position as lieutenant, using Desdemona's prime weakness; her naivety. He disgraces Cassio by intoxicating him enough so he strikes Roderigo. Othello then discharges Cassio of his Lieutenancy when he says: "Cassio, I love thee,/ But nevermore be officer of mine" (II.iii.242-244). It was therefore understandable that he would fall to the mercy of Iago, completely oblivious to the inevitable effects. Iago reveals his plan to the reader in his third soliloquy when he states:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His soul is so unfettered to her love,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That she may make, unmake, do what she list,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   even as her appetite shall play the god   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With his weak function...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And she for him pleads strongingly to the Moore,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I'll pour this pestilence into his ear:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That she repels him for her body's lust,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And by how much she strives to do him good,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   She shall undo her her credit with the Moor (II.iii.330-350). The first instance of this plan comes to life in the scene where Iago gets Cassio drunk, but the crafting only begins after Cassio is dismissed by Othello. With Cassio's reputation squandered, Iago subsequently hooks in Cassio by taking advantage of the fact that he is in a state in which he would do anything to acquire his job, position, and reputation back. The Revenge of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello :: Othello essays Shakespeare The Revenge of Iago in William Shakespeare's Othello In Shakespeare's "Othello," Iago carefully and masterfully entraps Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with Cassio. He does this through a series of suggestions and hesitations that entice and implant images into Othello's head that lead him to his own demise. More importantly, Iago gives Othello the motive to murder his own innocent wife Desdemona, satisfying Iago's immense appetite for revenge. The motive for Iago's devious plan is initially made clear in the first of three major soliloquies, in which he proclaims Othello has had an affair with his wife, Emilia: "And it is thought abroad that t'wixt my sheets/ He's done my office" (I.iii.381-383). The irony behind this line is where he continues: "I know not if't be true/ But I, for mere suspicion in that kind; / Will do as if for surety"(I.iii.383-385). Iago is so exceedingly paranoid and insane that he will go far as murdering, and deluding even a general into murdering his wife. Iago simultaneously conducts a devious plan to obtain Cassio's position as lieutenant, using Desdemona's prime weakness; her naivety. He disgraces Cassio by intoxicating him enough so he strikes Roderigo. Othello then discharges Cassio of his Lieutenancy when he says: "Cassio, I love thee,/ But nevermore be officer of mine" (II.iii.242-244). It was therefore understandable that he would fall to the mercy of Iago, completely oblivious to the inevitable effects. Iago reveals his plan to the reader in his third soliloquy when he states:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His soul is so unfettered to her love,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That she may make, unmake, do what she list,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   even as her appetite shall play the god   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With his weak function...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And she for him pleads strongingly to the Moore,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I'll pour this pestilence into his ear:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That she repels him for her body's lust,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And by how much she strives to do him good,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   She shall undo her her credit with the Moor (II.iii.330-350). The first instance of this plan comes to life in the scene where Iago gets Cassio drunk, but the crafting only begins after Cassio is dismissed by Othello. With Cassio's reputation squandered, Iago subsequently hooks in Cassio by taking advantage of the fact that he is in a state in which he would do anything to acquire his job, position, and reputation back.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Howard Robard Hughes Essays -- Biography

Howard Robard Hughes (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976), a pilot, movie producer, playboy, and one of the wealthiest people in the world during his lifetime, was well-known for his eccentricity. His eccentric behavior is theorized to have been the result of obsessive-compulsive behavior. The intent of this review is to illustrate Mr. Hughes’s abnormalities, arrive at a clinical diagnosis using all five axes of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR), explain his behavior from the biological theoretical perspective, and finally to arrive at a hypothetical treatment plan. Behavior: To begin, what constitutes abnormal behavior in Mr. Hughes’s case? As early as the 1930s, Hughes demonstrated signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder is identified by DSM as having recurrent obsessions (persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses or images that seem to invade a person’s consciousness) or compulsions (repeated and rigid behaviors or mental acts that people feel like they must perform in order to prevent or reduce anxiety) (Cormer, 2008). Close friends reported that Hughes was obsessed with the size of peas, one of his favorite foods, and used a special fork to sort them by size. Those who interacted with him as a director comment of his obsessions. While directing a movie, Hughes became fixated on a minor flaw in an actress’s top, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a seam and gave the appearance of two nipples on each breast. He was reportedly so upset by the matter that he wrote a detailed memorandum to the crew on how to fix the problem (Hack, 2002). An executive producer who worked with Hughes wrote in his autobiography about the difficulty of dealing with the t... ...h has shown that exercise, outdoor activity and socialization lead to increased serotonin levels and overall health (Young, 2007). Although the biological treatment of drug therapy, physical therapy, and nutrition therapy will begin to produce desired results towards a cure, the prognosis for recovery from this disorder would be greatly enhanced by a combination of behavioral, cognitive, and drug therapies. Patients who receive a combination of such therapies yield greater relief from their symptoms than do singular approaches alone (Kordon et al., 2005). It is unfortunate that Mr. Hughes was not able to receive adequate help for his disorder during his lifetime. Given the aforementioned treatment plan, along with the benefit of current research, and Mr. Hughes affluence to receive the best care, his prognosis during current times would have been quite good.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay “Walking or Biking versus Driving a Car”

Walking and Driving Walking is the motion of exerting energy. Driving is the usage of the foot to accelerate from the gas to the break or vice versa. How does walking compare to driving? Which one of the two gives a good feeling afterwards? Is there even a difference between walking and driving? Walking is using the human body to move from one place to another in a certain pace. Walking takes energy. To get energy, food and water is needed in the human body system.To reach a certain destination, walking takes a pretty good amount of time. How is it that walking seems to take longer than driving, even when a person walks at Walking or Biking versus Driving a Car Transportation is the key to survival in our world today . When one is not equipped to travel to and from places in an efficient and timely manner , the repercussions can be severe . Some of the repercussions involved are losing your job or missing an important appointment .This is why we always choose to travel by the fastest method available . Unfortunately , the motorized forms of transportation such as driving a car , holds tremendous negative effects for the person and our environment . We have also lost touch with the simpler , yet more enjoyable forms of transportation from our youth . I am talking about being able to take long walks , or riding my bicycle down the road to get to where it is I want to go . I remember when I was little and attending grammar school at the nearby public school.I fondly recall that each morning , I would hurriedly get dressed and wolf down my breakfast and then my mother and I would walk hand in hand as she took me to school . I was able to bond a lot with my mother during that time . The most memorable times of my life were of taking walks with my mother as we did her errands at local merchants . Each afternoon, I would accompany her to the local grocer , laundry shop ,and other places and then , if I was a really behaved child , my mother would take me to the soda s hop before we headed home.When I got older ,my mother allowed me to walk to school with my friends and classmates . This made going to school even more fun for me because I got to know my neighbors and classmates before class . Going to school was not something I dreaded because it was like a game for me and my friends . These memories are things I treasure from my youth . It was only later on in life that I learned that by walking to my various destinations, I was not only making valuable memories , but I was also keeping myself  healthy and fit by giving myself the best form of cardiovascular exercise — walking.By walking, I allowed myself to breath-in fresh air . The fresh air helped to clean up and strengthen my lungs in the process . I guess this is why even to this day , I always talks walks for nearby errands . I am also a member of an unofficial walking club that meets on weekends at the park for early morning walks . When I reached High School , I was suddenly thru st into a fast paced world that required a faster mode of transportation other than my two feet.Admittedly , talking walks with my friends was great , but we could not afford to be late to school nor take separate buses to school either . The problem was solved when I got my first two-wheeled bicycle at the same time as my friends . I personally enjoyed this activity because it combined my two†¦ The idea may sound absurd, but there’s a legitimate insight behind it. Walking burns calories, which come from food—and it takes an enormous quantity of fossil fuels to produce, process, and transport everything that we eat.Add in the other GHGs from agriculture—everything from cow manure to emissions from synthetic fertilizers—and you’ve got a potent global warming cocktail in every glass of milk. But our doppelgangers at the Pacific Institute did their homework, compiling evidence about climate emissions from both cars and food. And they came to the conclusion that walking emits about one-quarter the GHGs of driving—earning a partial retraction from Tierney. (You go, PacInst! ) But looking at the numbers, I think that the Pacific Institute’s numbers are conservative.In fact, I think that when I take a short walk, I’m being at least 12 times as friendly to the climate as if I drove. Your mileage may vary, of course; but my shoes get about 220 miles per gallon. Here are a handful of reasons why I think that walking look even more climate friendly than the Pacific Institute’s estimates suggest: What would a walker be doing otherwise? Walking burns calories, but a person also burns calories while driving, or just loafing around.So what matters isn’t the total calories your body burns during a walk, but the marginal calories from walking vs.  driving + whatever else you’d do with your time. CalorieLab gives some helpful clues: for a half-hour walking trip, they estimate that a 176 pound pe rson (the average of the median weights for men and women in the US) burns about 106 extra food calories, compared with a 5 minute drive and 25 minutes of watching TV. This figure is slightly less than the figure the Pacific Institute used. And if you do anything more strenuous than sit on your butt for those 25 minutes, then the food-calorie â€Å"advantage† of driving narrows even further.

Monday, September 16, 2019

What Is Jcaho & What Role Does It Play in the Current Healthcare System-Is It Necessary

Shakespeare Sance Homework # 4 The factors that would cause the lung to collapse are elastic recoil and high surface tension. And the factors that prevent the lungs from collapse are negative intrapulmonary pressure and surfactant. During expiration : volume increase and pressure decrease During inspiration : volume decrease and pressure increase The role of surfactant is to decrease surface tension by more than 40 times. And it's effect on surface tension is to prevent them from PO2 in alveolar : 104PO2 in venous blood : 40 PO2 in atmosphere : 160 PO2 in arterial : 100 PO2 in expired : 120 PO2 in inspired : 160 Co2 is 20 times more soluble in water than oxygen Anatomical dead space : the section where there is no gas exchange Physiological dead space : the sum of anatomical dead space and alveolar Dead space And it would only increase if a person is sick for example suffering from asthma . Compliance in respiratory care: how much stretch you have how much changes in pressure natural ly the lungs have a high compliance .Low compliance : pulmonary edema and cystic fibrosis High compliance : emphysema : where a person can get air in and can't get it out O2-Hb dissociation curve:when the curve mov to the right there is less saturation of hemoglobin . When is shift to the left less oxygen release more oxygen bound to hemoglobin. Situations that would cause more o2 to release are high temperature, low PH , exercise , high co2. Way O2 are transport: hemoglobin and plasmaWay CO2 are transport : plasma , bicarbonate ion , and carbamino-compounds Chloride shift : exchange of bicarbonate for chloride across the red blood cell The role of the phrenic nerve : excite the diaphragm and intercostal muscles , causing breathing movements. Anatomy respiratory membrane: a simple layer of squamous epithelial of alveolus and a simple layer of squamous epithelial of the capillary very thin, together the alveolar and capillary walls and their fused basement membranes form the respirat ory membrane.Increase in thickness of the respiratory membrane would decrease gas exchange or imputed gas exchange. Inspiratory center: comparable to the SA node this center sets the rhythmicity of respiration by spontaneously depolarizing and stimulating the phrenic nerve to cause inspiration. Expiratory center: it's caused as the inspiration center no longer stimulate the diaphragm stop expiratory allows us to respirate. Pneumotaxic center: this center inhibits the inspiratory center to limit the period of inspiration.Damage to the pneumotaxic center may cause prolonged inspirations. Apneustic center: this center stimulates the inspiratory center and is usually inhibited by the pneumotaxic center. Cortical nephron: has short loop of henle and glomerelus further from the corticomedullary junction. efferent arteriole supplies peritubular capillaries Justamedullary nephron: has long loop of henle and glomerulus closer to the corticomedullary junction. efferent arteriole supplies vasa recta.The filtration membrane: basement membrane, podocytes, and glomerular endothelium Pressure forces fluid out the glomerulus: glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure Force oppose fluid to move out : blood colloid osmotic pressure Afferent vasodilate: blood flow increase , blood pressure increase and GFR increase Efferent vasodilate: blood flow decrease, blood pressure decrease and GFR decrease Afferent vasoconstriction: blood flow decrease, blood pressure decrease and GFR decrease. Efferent vasoconstriction: blood flow increase , blood pressure increase and GFR increase.The role of renin is to cut angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1 and it's secreted when there is sense of low blood pressure. Everything that are reabsorbed back into the blood has tubular maximum and you exceed the T max , the exceed remind in the urine. The major hormones that regulates potassium secretion is aldosterone Acidosis: PH under 7. 35 Alkalosis: PH over 7. 45 PH: measures free hydrogen ions range from 0 t o 14 there is an inverse relationship between hydrogen ions and PH as hydrogen ion goes up PH went down Three majors ways to buffeting urine : chemical buffer system, bicarbonate buffer system and protein buffer system.Hypoventilation : PH went down Hyperventilation : PH goes up ECF: fluid inside the cell ICF : fluid outside the cell More sodium ECF than ICF More potassium ICF than ECF Countercurrent system: fluid flowing in parallel tubes in opposite direction And you will find one at the They shouldn't no red blood , protein , bile pigment and no glucose Intense SNS no urine Little SNS blood pressure goes up GFR goes up PSNS : more urine Sensible : sweat you can actually see they are hypotonic and has electrolytes Insensible : sweat you don't see come from your skin and you ears .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business Law & Ethics Essay

Consider the possible conflicts between legally doing business and selling fast-food, given the increasing evidence of how it is a significant contributing factor in public health, obesity, and diabetes facing many Americans. Now, based on what you’ve learned in this module, answer the following: A) After reading the Inside Story section of Chapter 1, do you agree with how Disney Company is handling the issue? Why or why not? B) Does government (federal, state, or local) have a right or a responsibility to get involved in this conflict? If so, what and to what limit? If not, why not? Provide sound reasoning for your stance and back it up with references, if possible. Your logic should be factual, not emotional. Then, reply to two or more of your classmates’ postings (three additional postings are needed for an â€Å"Exemplary† grade). See the Discussion Rubric for additional information and grading criteria. The case involved McDonald and Disney is about childhoo d obesity caused by many advertising that promote fast food in the United States. The McDonald Company leads the most successful advertising that drives children to obesity. Under the pressure of different sectors, Fast Food Company such as McDonald is required to reconsider the effect of its powerful advertising on a child’s health condition, specifically the issues of child obesity (Bagley & Savage, 2010). Disney is created for the children, then eating healthy should be a real concern regarding children to Disney. Disney and McDonald had signed a pact, and McDonald fast food is unhealthy for children. With the growing number of child obesity, eating fast food, especially McDonald, Disney had to take a stand in this case. I agree with how Disney is handling the issue because there were guidelines provided by Disney on how the children should eat the McDonald’s food. If McDonald kid’s meal did not meet the requirement guidelines provided by Disney, then, Disney has the right to end its contract with McDonald Company. The obesity problem may h ave short term effect such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and long term effect such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis on those children, according to research. For example, the percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period. 1, 2, and in 2012, more than one third of children and  adolescents were overweight or obese. [†¦]. I believe government has both right and responsibility to get involved in this conflict because child obesity is not a small case. Because of eating unhealthy, children are risk of some types of disease, and the obesity rate is very high. Government has to regulate laws regarding children eating unhealthy food due to influential advertising promoted by fast food companies. Government needs to get involved in this conflict until there is a solution to lower calories volume provided by fast food restaurants even they do not directly tell anyone to eat their food. However, that is the reason they advertis e their food, so people can buy them’ it is a business marketing to attract customers.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Islam is the second religion of the book Essay

Incidentally, the term: â€Å"People of the Book† comes from the Qur’an which cites both Judaism and Christianity, religions which came before Islam, as having part of its origins in the prophet of Abraham. In this, we can see a respect for the other religions; a respect which is lost on the perception of a vocal minority of Muslims and as a result, a perception that Muslims hate all other religions. This is false and dangerous assumption for both sides. Belief in Islam requires that a convert believe in only one God, the revelations which he has given to his people from his angels, his messengers and chiefly, the prophet Mohammad whose writings from 610AD until his death in 632 AD helped to compose the Holy book of Quran. It is a central belief and one that is seen as the most important: That there is no â€Å"God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet. † This is required of all those wishing to consider themselves Muslims and followers of Mohammad and his teachings. There are an estimated 1. 6 billion Muslims with an annual growth rate which exceeds all other religions in the world. Muslims are spread all over the world but are highly concentrated in the Middle East. Pakistan is the most heavily populated country of Muslims and even America has an estimated seven to ten million Muslims in the country. Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of God and was made such by a visitation of the angel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammad. Angels are described in the Koran as: â€Å"messengers with wings. Two or three of four pairs. He adds to Creation as He pleases. † This is a central belief as well as the fact that Mohammad, despite his greatness in the religion of Islam, is not considered a deity of any kind. Neither is Jesus who, despite being highly regarded in the official teachings of the last fourteen centuries, is considered to be only a man and a prophet of God’s, although his greatness is not to exceed that of the prophet Mohammad. God is a central theme of the religion and his is referred to as: â€Å"God, the One and Only: God, the eternal, Absolute, He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto him. † It is also a central theme of Islam; the Day of Judgment. Similar to the Christian belief in predestination, many Muslims believe that people are predestined as to whether they will enter heaven or enter hell on the Day of Judgment. That is not to say that an individual does not have the freedom to choose, rather that God, from the beginning of time, knows the destination of every person who ever existed, or who will ever exist. In this fervor, the message of a complete submission to God is central as well as to the belief in Islam. Disbelief and a failure to submit to the will of God are one of the main offenses which, according to the Koran, will result in a person, on the Day of Judgment, going to hell. The latter is one of the main appeals that individuals have for Islam as in many countries with a high population of Muslims, the living conditions are less than substandard and people live a very tough existence. Lastly, one of the most important and central teachings of Islam is called the â€Å"Five Pillars of Islam. † There are five major aspects of Islam which individuals are strongly encouraged to observe. The first is belief in Mohammad as the prophet of God and that the words of the prophet which are located in the Koran are the literal word of God. The second is praying in the direction of Mecca, five times a day. The third is the giving of alms or charity to the poor and needy. The fourth is fasting during the month of Ramadan in which one must not eat or drink from dusk to dawn. The last is called the Hajj or a pilgrimage during the fourth Islamic month to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. † The latter will compel millions of Muslims, sometimes two and three million Muslims at a time, to go to Mecca at the same time in order to fulfill their last duty, or pillar of Islam. When asking Mr. Aziz about the importance of the religion of Islam within his own life, he gave a very passionate and informed response. â€Å"In America, there is a great deal of misconception about the religion of Islam and as a Muslim; it is my responsibility to live in a way that would help to dispel those myths. Although not in the same light, nor with the same amount of spotlight, it is similar to the experience that the American boxer, Joe Louis had while he was the Boxing heavyweight champion of the world. His manager was careful not to have Joe Louis portrayed in a way that would add to the misconceived stereotypes about African Americans at that time since the last African America boxer, Jack Johnson, had done the opposite and was shunned by America. † When asked if he has found this to help within his own life; the conception of others about him, his ethnicity and his religion, Mr. Aziz had a mixed response. â€Å"There will always be people who will not change their opinions about the Middle East or Islam. I can’t really help that. However, for three high majorities of people who make the effort to know me, they have sometimes come out and said that they were wrong about Muslims, or at least about me. There is still a hint of racism within such sentiments. However, it is progress. † Mr. Aziz then talked to me about his religion. â€Å"In Islam, there are five pillars which every Muslim is expected to respect and obey these pillars. In no specific order, these five pillars are to travel to Mecca at least once in your life, to give to charity, to pray five times in the day while facing in the direction of Mecca, to fast during the Holy Months and to believe that there are no gods but Allah and that Mohammad is his messenger. The last is the most important and is what helps to connect the more than 1. 6 billions Muslims in more than a hundred countries in the world, each one to the other. It is very important to all Muslims. I have not yet gone to Mecca but I hope to by the end of the decade. I have not always been faithful in the completion of the other four on a daily basis as most people of faith experience a lapse in their faith and devotion. That has happened before. However, I am quick to connect the dots and to separate myself from whatever vehicle is serving as an impediment to my faith. † â€Å"Fasting is also important. During the Holy month of Ramadan, there is to be no eating during sunlight. This is one of the most difficult of the five pillars. The reason to fast is that it will help to bring the believer closer to God through the realization that God is the supplier of everything and that nothing can be done apart from him. We eat his food and breathe his air. We use his sunlight and are stewards of his world. In comparison with God, man is so small and weak. Sometimes people forget that. Fasting helps to remind them. † Mr. Aziz also prays five times a day as well as gives to charity. â€Å"I wake up at 5am and pray then as well as at 8am, noon, four pm and before I go to bed at 9pm. Since I was raised to do this and to adhere to the five pillars, this has become a habit of mine and is not really difficult. I remember as a child, I rebelled a great deal towards this especially since I wanted to stay in bed. It was not until two consecutive years, did I feel its difficulty ease and I began to enjoy it. † It is also important to give to charity. This does not solely mean money. There are many people in the world who are very poor and do not have the money to give. To give to charity, or to give alms, means also to be helpful to one’s neighbor. Whether it is shoveling the snow from an elderly neighbor’s driveway or simply just informing a person at the grocery store that they dropped their purse; these all are examples of charity. † Mr. Aziz also speaks to the importance that his religion has towards his community. â€Å"Even though here in America, there is an estimated three to seven million Muslims, there are very few where I live and no places of worship. One of the reasons for the latter I believe is caused by the beliefs that the people in the surrounding towns have about Muslims and that we are all terrorists. Therefore, there have been many attempts, to diffuse any building plans for a mosque. † How do you feel about that? â€Å"It is discouraging to me but me and fellow Muslims meet in people’s homes in order to worship and pray. It is similar to the 1st century Christians who were barred from worshiping by the Roman authorities or the Jews who during WWII were not allowed to worship either. We are not under the same level of persecution but as these other two groups. However, it still requires some planning. † â€Å"It is my family and friends which help to lay a foundation of faith within my life. There are few Muslims in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the friends that I do have and which practice Islam as well as my family, for more than one reason, provide a structure and foundation for me. This is very important. America does not have the same problem with their Muslim population in comparison to the troubles in Europe because we have assimilated. This is important to a degree. We do not want to become completely Americanized but in the process, love American sports and the traditions that come with this country. † So we are then relegated to worship nearly in private. † It is one of the prices to pay for being a Muslim in America. However, since the majority of American Muslims are doing well in America and enjoy this land, we are content to pay some of that price. We are Muslims first however and Americans second. Just as Christians have as a major aspect of their identity in which it cannot be separated from who they are, the same can be said about Muslims. † â€Å"The societal restrictions towards Muslims in America have eased up. However, as a Muslim in America, I still feel as though I am a foreigner in a country that I immigrated to legally over twenty years ago. America has still given me more opportunities than my homeland. I just look forward to the day when I can be truly being considered an America. If I do not live to see that day, I will be sad but I will remain happy that I have had such a rewarding and blessed life while living in America. † Mr. Aziz still continues to work and to support his family. When asked about the faith of his two daughters, Mr. Aziz comments: â€Å"They are eight and ten years old so they are young, but not too young to understand some of the world around them. I hope that I can keep them from experiencing instances of racism or prejudice. I do not however, that the worst that they receive in America, is still better than what they could have hoped for in Pakistan. That is why I am hesitant to complain too loudly. I am still able to raise my children, along with my wife, in the ways that we choose. This is a great freedom that America has; its religious freedom. I recently watched a documentary on Thomas Jefferson and learned that he was instrumental in creating a foundation of religious freedom that is present in America. This happened more than two hundred years ago. Yet, I am a recipient of such actions even today. It is very amazing to me and I am very appreciative. † â€Å"I am proud to be an American. However, I am also proud to be a Muslim. It seems that in the past few years, especially since 9/11, such sentiments have been seen as an oxymoron. I believe that they are one in the same as America promises religious freedom to all who will practice their religion of choice without breaking the law. This is the great gift that America’s forefathers and all who help to preserve such efforts, to contemporary Americans and all who will follow. It is the effort of every Muslim, not to be swayed by the fleeting morals of a society but to hold firm to the faith and teachings of Islam. This is what I am attempting to do. I have not always been successful and have fallen away from my faith from time to time. It is important, just like with anything in life, that once somebody has fallen short of their personal expectations, to get right back up and to try again. Religious faith is an ongoing process and does not stop while one is alive. † This is my hope and prayer for me and all others who feel that the law can only go so far and that a personal relationship with God is paramount in a person’s life. WORKS CITED Armstrong, Karen Islam: A Short History New York: Random History 2006 Burns, Ken Thomas Jefferson New York: Steeplechase & PBS Films 1997 Miller, James Religions of the World. New York: WW Norton 1987 The Holy Qur’an (2002) New York: Oxford University Press An Interview with Mr. Aziz. Recorded with his permission on November 1, 2007 and Transcribed on November 4, 2007.